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Medical and therapeutic benefits of royal jelly
Thursday 21-Mar-2013 11:52:20 PM
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Royal Jelly
Treat Dermatological diseases and enter in the composition of the creams.
Increase the growth of the babies bodies and increase the appetite.
Increase the intelligence.
Helpful in the treatment of duodenal ulcer and peptic ulcers.
Activate the liver and protect it from viruses.
activate the memory because it contains Acetyl choline.
Helpful for diabetics because it contains Insulin.
Treat tiredness and alzheimer
Activate the adrenal gland.
Increase the red blood cells.
Improve the health of geriatrics and treat the prostate.
Treat Sexual weakness, increase the activity of the sexual glands and increase the effectiveness of the ovaries.
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Medical and therapeutic benefits of royal jelly
Thursday 21-Mar-2013 11:52:20 PM
Royal Jelly
Treat Dermatological diseases and enter in the composition of the creams.
Increase the growth of the babies bodies and increase the appetite.
Increase the intelligence.
Helpful in the treatment of duodenal ulcer and peptic ulcers.
Activate the liver and protect it from viruses.
activate the memory because it contains Acetyl choline.
Helpful for diabetics because it contains Insulin.
Treat tiredness and alzheimer
Activate the adrenal gland.
Increase the red blood cells.
Improve the health of geriatrics and treat the prostate.
Treat Sexual weakness, increase the activity of the sexual glands and increase the effectiveness of the ovaries.
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